We are excited to introduce Dr. Jennifer Greer as our new dean in the College of Communication and Information! Learn more about Dr.Greer here.
This summer the Department of Communication will be offering two courses as part of the study abroad program in London, England.
Understanding England through Popular Film, taught by Dr. Alan DeSantis, gives students an appreciation of the magic of English Cinema. Students will tour iconic film locations from movies such as Harry Potter, James Bond and more in addition to making excursions for tours outside of the city of London.
Dr. Don Helme will be presenting “Recruiting Study Participants in Appalachia – Why Community Contacts and Gatekeepers are Essential” on Thursday, January 24, 2019. Pizza will be served and registration is required by emailing CCTS at CCTS @uky.edu by Tuesday, January 22, 2019.
Communication majors and minors are invited to attend the Student-Alumni Networking Night on Tuesday, October 30, 2018 from 3:30-6:00 p.m. at the Hilary J. Boone Center, 500 Rose Street, Lexington KY 40506.
This event will connect COM majors with successful UK Department of Communication alumni who will share tips on successful interviewing, launching a professional career, finding the best career “fit” and more. There will be food and great discussions!