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  • Diane Francis
    Funding from the UK CURE COVID-19 Pilot Program

    Congratulations to Dr. Diane Francis, funding recipient from the UK CURE COVID-19 Pilot Program for her proposal “Communication Inequalities and COVID-19 Outcomes Among African Americans.” Learn more about the program at


  • Early Career Research Award
    Early Career Research Award

    Congratulations to Dr. Nicky Lewis, who was awarded the Early Career Research Award by the Sports Communication Interest Group of the International Communication Association (ICA) at their 2020 convention.

  • KCHC Screenshot
    Kentucky Conference on Health Communication

    Unprecedented times call for creative solutions. The 2020 Kentucky Conference on Health Communication was scheduled for the first week of April, just when the pandemic hit the U.S. in full force. With only weeks to prepare, the entire conference was shifted to a fully virtual platform. Over 2.5 days, there were 280 attendees, 200 presenters, and 185 posters. In total there were 115 universities and organizations, 31 states (plus the District of Columbia), and 9 countries represented!


  • Faculty Awards Preview
    Outstanding Faculty Awards

    Congratulations to our College of Communication and Information Excellence Award winners! We weren’t able to come together for an awards dinner this year, but we were able to surprise each winner live via Zoom.

    Congratulations to Dr. Anthony Limperos, recipient of the College of Communication and Information's 2020 Faculty Teaching Excellence award!

  • Faculty Spotlight Heading
    Apri Faculty Spotlight

    Dr. Marko Dragojevic recently published the article "Extending the fluency principle: Factors that increase listeners' processing fluency positively bias their language attitudes" in the journal Communication Monographs.