LRS VIII Program

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Monday, September 16 - Conference Day 1

5:00pm 2024-09-16T09:00:00-04:00 2024-09-16T17:00:00-04:00
Registration (3rd Floor Foyer, Gatton Student Center )
11:30am 2024-09-16T10:15:00-04:00 2024-09-16T11:30:00-04:00
Welcome/Plenary Session with Nicole Breazeale (Harris Ballroom)
12:45pm 2024-09-16T11:45:00-04:00 2024-09-16T12:45:00-04:00
Lunch with Roda Ferraro, Director of Keeneland Library, and Nick Laracuente, Archivist at Sazerac / Buffalo Trace Distillery (Harris Ballroom)
2:15pm 2024-09-16T13:00:00-04:00 2024-09-16T14:15:00-04:00
Paper Session - (GSC 330AB)
Session M1-2

1. Data Storytelling: Tools for Ethics and Ease

◆ Laura Ridenour, School of Information Science & Learning Technologies, University of Missouri
◆ Denice Adkins, School of Information Science & Learning Technologies, University of Missouri

2. The danger of retelling family stories: the story of the "conjure chest"

◆ Deana Thomas, UK Libraries

3. Embedding Data Justice: A Framework for Ethical Decision-Making and Storytelling in Library and Information Science Education

◆ Danbi Yoo, Indiana University Indianapolis, Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering, Department of Library and Information Science
◆ Andrea Copeland, Indiana University-Indianapolis, Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering, Department of Library and Information Science
◆ Angela Murillo, Indiana University-Indianapolis, Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering, Department of Library and Information Science
Paper Session - (GSC 330D)
Session M1-3

1. An introduction to infophilia, a positive psychology of information

◆ Anita S. Coleman, School of Information Sciences, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign

2. Mapping the Research Self: Context, Emotion, and Lifeworld in Counter-Establishment Research

◆ Yvonne M. Eadon, UK SIS

3. "Independence Brings Safety In A Lot of Ways and Unsafety in Others": Information Loss and Narrative Value in LGBTQIA+ Communities

◆ Travis L. Wagner, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
◆ Vanessa L. Kitzie, University of South Carolina
Paper Session - (Harris Ballroom)
Session M1-1

1. Beyond the Numbers: Capturing Impactful Patron Interactions in Library Data

◆ Jenica Ibarra, Rutgers University
◆ Triveni Kuchi, Rutgers University
◆ Julie Still, Rutgers University

2. Piecing It All Together: Community Partnerships and the Public Library

◆ Lynn Silipigni Connaway, OCLC Research
◆ J. Elizabeth Mills, OCLC WebJunction
◆ Brooke Doyle, OCLC WebJunction
◆ Lesley Langa, OCLC Research
◆ Peggy Gallagher, OCLC Market Analysis & Sales Program
◆ Kaitlin Montague, OCLC Research

3. Public Library Data for Public Library Stories

◆ A. J. Million, Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research
◆ Sara Goek, Public Library Association
◆ Denice Adkins, School of Information Science & Learning Technologies, University of Missouri
2:30pm 2024-09-16T14:15:00-04:00 2024-09-16T14:30:00-04:00
Snacks (3rd Floor Foyer, Gatton Student Center )
3:45pm 2024-09-16T14:30:00-04:00 2024-09-16T15:45:00-04:00
Paper Session - (GSC 330AB)
Session M2-1

1. Stories of Library Innovation: Historical Perspectives on Public Library Practice

◆ Jennifer Burek Pierce, University of Iowa

2. The history of Chicago Public Library as seen from the archives, with a community informatics lens, and from China

◆ Kate Williams, School of Information Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
◆ Guangchun Zheng, School of Information Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

3. The Fellman family’s Lapponica fonds at the heart of the Saami Written Culture

◆ Sophie Alix Capdeville, Department of Languages and Communication Studies, section of Applied language. University of Jyväskylä
Paper Session - (GSC 330D)
Session M2-3

1. Neurodiverse representation in the state book award nominees, 2014-2024

◆ Amanda Harrison, University of Central Missouri
◆ Cynthia Parkhill, University of Central Missouri

2. Supporting Young Black Males with Reading Motivation in School & Public Libraries

◆ Tiffeni Fontno, Peabody Library

3. Factors Impacting School Librarian Self-Efficacy in Fayette County Public Schools

◆ Kelli D. Reno, University of Kentucky College of Education Department of Educational Leadership Studies Ed.D. student

4. Best Practices in Virginia School Libraries

◆ Audrey P. Church, Ph.D. , Longwood University
◆ Karla B. Collins, Ph.D., Longwood University
◆ Carl A. Harvey II, M.L.I.S., Longwood University
◆ Sheree M. Garrett, M.Ed., St. Christopher's School
Panel Session - (Harris Ballroom)
Session M2-2

1. PANEL: “The college is just so big”: Supporting Students by Reframing the Higher Education Experience

◆ Africa Hands, Panelist, University at Buffalo
◆ Melissa Blankstein, Panelist, Ithaka S+R
◆ Jean Amaral, Chair, Borough of Manhattan Community College

2. PANEL: Information Literacy: A New Discipline

◆ Karen Kaufmann, University of South Florida
◆ Clarence Maybee, Purdue University
◆ John M. Budd, University of Missouri
4:00pm 2024-09-16T15:45:00-04:00 2024-09-16T16:00:00-04:00
Snacks (3rd Floor Foyer, Gatton Student Center )
5:15pm 2024-09-16T16:00:00-04:00 2024-09-16T17:15:00-04:00
Paper Session - (GSC 330AB)
Session M3-1

1. PAPER: Our Mythic Potential: The Hero’s Journey and The Library’s Story

◆ Sarah Beth Nelson, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
◆ Andra Matthews, University College Dublin

2. “When they Dared to be Powerful”: Telling the stories of Black Librarianship

◆ Nicole A. Cooke, University of South Carolina

3. “We just don't leave it at the door when we enter the workplace”: The effect of identity on perceived expertise in librarianship

◆ Amy VanScoy, University at Buffalo
◆ Heidi Julien, University at Buffalo
Paper Session - (GSC 330D)
Session M3-2

1. Telling stories with care: The ethical and political dimensions of action research in libraries

◆ Jenna Kammer, University of Central Missouri
◆ Amanda Harrison, University of Central Missouri

2. Men Talking (or, Ethnographic Methods for Studying Masculinities in the UK Library Profession)

◆ Kristen Schuster, University of Southampton

3. Telling the Story of Student Privacy Through Intentional Research Design

◆ Michael Perry, Northwestern University
◆ Andrew Asher, Indiana University Bloomington
◆ Abigail Goben, University of Illinois Chicago
Panel Session - (Harris Ballroom)
Session M3-3

1. PANEL: Public Librarians’ Roles in Natural Disasters: Stories of Leadership and Resilience

◆ Marcia A. Mardis, Chair, Florida State University
◆ April Hobbs, Panelist, NNLM Region 2
◆ Feili Tu-Keefer, Panelist, University of South Carolina
◆ Denise Lyons, Chair, Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives (KDLA)
◆ Faye R. Jones, Panelist, Florida State University

2. PAPER: Telling Library Stories: The Impact of Midwestern Public Libraries on Community Resilience

◆ iulian Vamanu, University of Iowa School of Library and Information Science
◆ Kara Logsden, University of Iowa School of Library and Information Science
◆ Lucie Laurian, University at Buffalo Department of Urban and Regional Planning

Tuesday, September 17 - Conference Day 2

9:45am 2024-09-17T09:00:00-04:00 2024-09-17T09:45:00-04:00
Breakfast (Harris Ballroom)
10:45am 2024-09-17T09:45:00-04:00 2024-09-17T10:45:00-04:00
Keynote with Kate McDowell (Harris Ballroom)
12:15pm 2024-09-17T11:00:00-04:00 2024-09-17T12:15:00-04:00
Paper Session - (GSC 330AB)
Session T1-2

1. An American Book Mobile in Moscow: The Book Display at ANEM and its Impact on U.S. Perceptions of Censorship

◆ Brian Real, University of Kentucky School of Information Science

2. “Schuster Libraries are Business Libraries”: The Schuster & Co. Department Store Library as Special Library, 1912 to 1944

◆ Nadine I. Kozak, School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

3. The Library Social Worker and the Sea of Stories: A Case Study

◆ Don Latham, Florida State University
◆ Melissa Gross, Florida State University
Paper Session - (GSC 330D)
Session T1-3

1. Using Audio Diaries to Collect Stories of Library Worker Identities and Routine Work

◆ Katherine Klein, University of South Carolina
◆ Darin Freeburg, University of South Carolina

2. OutSouth 2.0: Navigating the Next Stage of LGBTQ+ Oral Histories in a Polarized World

◆ Adriana Sisko, University of Kentucky Libraries

3. Life Behind the Stacks: Rule N° 5 & the Singularity of Library Worker Voices

◆ A.M. Alpin, NYU Libraries
◆ Amanda Belantara , NYU Libraries
Workshop - (Harris Ballroom)
Session T1-1

1. Hackathon X Olio: Co-creating a collective of library stories for teaching and learning

◆ Rebecca Morris, Chair, University of Pittsburgh
1:30pm 2024-09-17T12:15:00-04:00 2024-09-17T13:30:00-04:00
Lunch (Harris Ballroom)
3:00pm 2024-09-17T13:45:00-04:00 2024-09-17T15:00:00-04:00
Workshop - (GSC 330AB)
Session T2-2

1. LIteracy and the Opportunity Gap: A Story Within A Story

◆ Dr. Lynn Reynolds, Chair, Jefferson County Public Schools- Louisville, KY
◆ Janet Lanham, Panelist, Jefferson County Public Schools
Paper Session - (GSC 330D)
Session T2-3

1. “When VR Was New”: Understanding Student Encounters with an Emerging Library Technology

◆ Zack Lischer-Katz, University of Arizona, School of Information

2. So, What Exactly Do You Do? Using Statistics to Tell Your Story as a Subject Librarian

◆ Doug Campbell, University of North Texas

3. PAPER: How are we developing future Electronic Resource Librarians?: Analyzing MLIS course descriptions using qualitative methods

◆ Cara Calabrese, Miami University
Paper Session - (Harris Ballroom)
Session T2-1

1. Take the Money and Run: Funding loosely planned projects

◆ Jenny Bossaller, University of Missouri
◆ Claire Starkey, University of Missouri

2. Convergence: Artists and Libraries in Transformational Times

◆ Levi Sherman, University of Wisconsin—Madison

3. Sharing the Story of Public Library Programming for Young Children with Disabilities or Developmental Delays

◆ Denice Adkins, School of Information Science & Learning Technologies, University of Missouri
◆ Maria Cahill, School of Information Science, University of Kentucky
◆ Bobbie Sartin Long, School of Library & Information Management, Emporia State University
◆ Alicia K. Long, School of Information Science & Learning Technologies, University of Missouri
◆ Derek Daskalakes, University of Kentucky
3:15pm 2024-09-17T15:00:00-04:00 2024-09-17T15:15:00-04:00
Snacks (3rd Floor Foyer, Gatton Student Center )
4:30pm 2024-09-17T15:15:00-04:00 2024-09-17T16:30:00-04:00
Paper Session - (GSC 330AB)
Session T3-1

1. Library Needs Assessment for Science Faculty at Appalachian State University

◆ Xiaorong Shao, Appalachian State University
◆ Stephanie Bennett , Appalachian State University

2. Defining Success: A Multi-Dimensional Framework for Evaluation in Public Libraries

◆ Rebecca M. Teasdale, University of Illinois Chicago
◆ Linda Hofschire, LJH Consulting

3. Public Libraries, Older Adults, and the Social Determinants of Health: A Narrative Synthesis and Research Agenda

◆ Julia Anne Maxwell, Rutgers University
Paper Session - (GSC 330D)
Session T3-2

1. Measuring Library Co-Production with Mediation Models

◆ Margo Gustina, University of New Mexico

2. Unheard Stories: The Experiences, Needs, and Hopes of Hard of Hearing Librarians

◆ Lee Ann Fullington, Brooklyn College, CUNY
◆ Jill Cirasella , CUNY Graduate Center

3. Decoding the Pathway to Academic Librarianship: A Study of U.S. Job Postings

◆ Lanyi Peng, California State University, Los Angeles
◆ LaMonica M. Wiggins, University Library System, University of Pittsburgh
Panel Session - (Harris Ballroom)
Session T3-3

1. PANEL: Value, Shmalue: Measuring Meaning through True Tales of Teaching

◆ Natalia Kapacinskas, Panelist, University of Houston Libraries
◆ Erica Lopez, Panelist, University of Houston Libraries
◆ Mea Warren, Panelist, University of Houston Libraries
◆ Veronica Arellano Douglas, Panelist, University of Houston Libraries
7:00pm 2024-09-17T17:00:00-04:00 2024-09-17T19:00:00-04:00
Poster Session (Harris Ballroom)
Poster Directory

1. Family Engagement in Public Libraries: Protective Factors and Play

◆ Tammie Benham, Southeast Kansas Library System

2. More or Less?: Telling the Library's Story Through the Academic Program Review

◆ John Barnett, University of South Carolina Upstate

3. Perspectives of Black School Librarians on Recruitment and Retention

◆ Cynthia R Johnson, University of South Carolina

4. "But those numbers aren't used for anything": Convincing library employees to tell the story of their work

◆ Anna Marie Johnson, Indiana University
◆ Michelle Crowe, Indiana University

5. Stories from the Road: Embedding a Librarian with an Immersive Leadership Development Travel Experience

◆ Eric Tans, Michigan State University Libraries

6. Counter-Stories as Resistance to Book Bans

◆ Kim Reichenbach Krutka, University of North Texas

7. Library Physical Space Safari: Storytelling Through UX Design

◆ Kayla Johnson, University of Montevallo

8. "2020 Vision:" Telling the Story of Academic Library Virtual Reference Services from the Pandemic to the Present

◆ Marie L. Radford, Rutgers University
◆ Julia Anne Maxwell, Rutgers University
◆ Laura Costello, University of Minnesota Libraries
◆ Kaitlin E. Montague, Rutgers University

9. Dual-Process Information Seeking of University Students: Understanding the Roles of Intuition and Critical Thinking

◆ Daniel W. Eller, Dominican University Chicago

10. The Public Library Routines Project: Problematizing Routine Library Work

◆ Darin Freeburg, University of South Carolina
◆ Katie Klein, University of South Carolina

11. From Research Question to Decision Tool: Supporting Local Choices

◆ Margo Gustina, Libraries in Community Systems / University of New Mexico
◆ Ozy Aloziem, University of Denver
◆ Blake Andrew, Chazy Public Library; Northern New York Library Network
◆ Meg Backus, Northern New York Library Network

13. Media in The Lives of Teens: A Grounded Theory Study of Teen Informal Information Behavior, A Work in Progress

◆ Kerry Townsend, University of Missouri School of Information Science and Learning Technologies

14. Body Utilization, Body Grief

◆ Leah T. Dudak, Syracuse University iSchool

15. Making Third Spaces Safe Spaces - How Trauma-Informed Care Informs Librarianship

◆ Lyric Grimes, UNC Chapel Hill

16. Exploring Personhood: Using Narrative to Teach Archival Literacy and DEI

◆ Carol Street, University of Kentucky

Wednesday, September 18 - Post-Conference

9:45am 2024-09-18T09:00:00-04:00 2024-09-18T09:45:00-04:00
Opening Words Post Conference/Breakfast (GSC 330 AB)
1:00pm 2024-09-18T10:00:00-04:00 2024-09-18T13:00:00-04:00
Workshop w/ Kate McDowell (GSC 330AB)
Description: Dr. Kate McDowell has agreed to deliver a Storycoaching workshop. Her IMLS-funded work on data storytelling helps scholars and practitioners understand best practices for using statistics and other evidence to convey the stories we need to share with the public, with funders, and with our profession.
Workshop 2 w/ Nicole Breazeale (GSC 330C)
Description: Local UK scholar Nicole Breazeale, who has expertise using storytelling methods to navigate community issues, strengthen leadership, and further community/institutional collaborations, has agreed to offer a workshop on StoryCircles as a research and community engagement method.
1:15pm 2024-09-18T13:00:00-04:00 2024-09-18T13:15:00-04:00
Closing Words (GSC 330AB)