Abstract: LIteracy and the Opportunity Gap: A Story Within A Story
◆ Dr. Lynn Reynolds, Chair, Jefferson County Public Schools- Louisville, KY
◆ Janet Lanham, Panelist, Jefferson County Public Schools
In this presentation, we explore the profound impact of access to books and stories on literacy development, focusing on the concept of the "opportunity gap" and how it affects young readers. As school librarians, we’re all familiar with this quote from the beloved award-winner Bud Not Buddy: “Something starts as a tiny seed and grows into a mighty maple.” Our story tells the tale of the journey from a small idea to a significant initiative aimed at providing equitable access to literacy resources for students living in book deserts. It’s a story of inspiration, determination, tenacity, and triumph. Join us as we discuss the transformative power of literature and the importance of addressing the opportunity gap in our communities.