KCHC 2020 Program

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Thursday, April 2 - Pre-Conference

10:00pm 2020-04-02T08:30:00-04:00 2020-04-02T09:00:00-04:00
Breakfast Together (Patterson Ballroom B)
Start each conference day by saying good morning to one another!
10:15pm 2020-04-02T09:00:00-04:00 2020-04-02T09:15:00-04:00
Welcome and Introductions (Grand Ballroom)
Nancy Grant Harrington, Professor, Associate Dean for Research, and KCHC Director
11:30pm 2020-04-02T09:15:00-04:00 2020-04-02T10:30:00-04:00
Invited Speaker: Albert "Skip" Rizzo (Grand Ballroom)
"The Evolution of Virtual Human Agents in Clinical Healthcare Applications"
◆ Albert "Skip" Rizzo, Director of the Medical Virtual Reality Research Group at the Institute for Creative Technologies and Research Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and School of Gerontology, University of Southern California
12:45am 2020-04-02T10:30:00-04:00 2020-04-02T11:45:00-04:00
Invited Speaker: Lynn Carol Miller (Grand Ballroom)
"Systematic Representative Designs in Virtual Environments: Measurement and Change – a Whole New Game?"
◆ Lynn Carol Miller, Professor of Communication and Psychology at the University of Southern California Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism
1:00am 2020-04-02T11:45:00-04:00 2020-04-02T12:00:00-04:00
2:15am 2020-04-02T12:00:00-04:00 2020-04-02T13:15:00-04:00
Lunch (on your own)
Mentoring Breakout Session with Janice Krieger (Patterson Ballroom A)
Dr. Janice Krieger is a Professor in the Advertising Department and serves as Director of the STEM Translational Communication Center in the College of Journalism and Communications at the University of Florida (UF).
Mentoring Breakout Session with Xiaoli Nan (Patterson Ballroom B)
Dr. Xiaoli Nan is a Professor of Communication Science and Co-Director of Graduate Studies in the Department of Communication at the University of Maryland. She is the Director of the Center for Health and Risk Communication and a full member of the Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center Population Science Program.
Mentoring Breakout Session with Jeff Neiderdeppe (Patterson Ballroom C)
Dr. Jeff Niederdeppe is an Associate Professor in the Department of Communication at Cornell University.
Mentoring Breakout Session with Seth Noar (Patterson Ballroom D)
Dr. Seth Noar is a Professor in the Hussman School of Journalism and Media at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (UNC) and a member of the Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center at UNC.
2:30am 2020-04-02T13:15:00-04:00 2020-04-02T13:30:00-04:00
3:15am 2020-04-02T13:30:00-04:00 2020-04-02T14:15:00-04:00
Invited Speaker: Jesse Fox (Grand Ballroom)
"Capitalizing on Virtual Reality Affordances: Novel Approaches to Health Communication Research"
◆ Jesse Fox, Associate Professor in the School of Communication at The Ohio State University and Director of the Virtual Environment, Communication Technology, and Online Research (VECTOR) Lab
4:00am 2020-04-02T14:15:00-04:00 2020-04-02T15:00:00-04:00
Invited Speaker: Ralf Schmälzle (Grand Ballroom)
"How Health Messages Get Under the Skin: Neuroimaging of Health and Risk Communication"
◆ Ralf Schmälzle, Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication at Michigan State University
4:15am 2020-04-02T15:00:00-04:00 2020-04-02T15:15:00-04:00
5:00am 2020-04-02T15:15:00-04:00 2020-04-02T16:00:00-04:00
Competitive Panel (Patterson Ballroom B)
"Creating an Interactive Video Game with Narrative Immersion to Educate College Freshmen about Mindful Drinking"
◆ Yifeng Hu, The College of New Jersey
◆ Joshua Fishburn, The College of New Jersey
◆ Deanna Amarosa, The College of New Jersey
◆ Kathryn La Capria, The College of New Jersey
6:30am 2020-04-02T16:00:00-04:00 2020-04-02T17:30:00-04:00
Competitive Panel (Patterson Ballroom B)
"The Art and Science of Writing Successful Health Communication Grant Applications"
◆ Seth Noar, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
◆ Xiaoli Nan, University of Maryland
◆ Jeff Niederdeppe, Cornell University
◆ Janice Krieger, University of Florida
6:45am 2020-04-02T17:35:00-04:00 2020-04-02T17:45:00-04:00
Preconference Closing Remarks (Patterson Ballroom B)
Nancy Grant Harrington, Professor, Associate Dean for Research, and KCHC Director

Friday, April 3 - Conference Day 1

10:00pm 2020-04-03T08:30:00-04:00 2020-04-03T09:00:00-04:00
Breakfast Together (Patterson Ballroom B)
Start each conference day by saying good morning to one another!
11:15pm 2020-04-03T09:00:00-04:00 2020-04-03T10:15:00-04:00
Conference Opening (Grand Ballroom)
◆ Call to Order: Nancy Grant Harrington, Professor, Associate Dean for Research, and KCHC Director

◆ Jennifer Greer, Dean and Professor, College of Communication and Information, University of Kentucky

◆ Keynote Speaker Introduction: Nancy Grant Harrington

Keynote Address: “Prevention in the Digital Age: Tech, Text, and Thrive”
◆ Dr. Marguerita Lightfoot, Professor of Medicine at the UCSF School of Medicine, Chief for the Division of Prevention Science, and Director of the Center for Prevention Studies (CAPS) and UCSF Prevention Research Center (PRC).
11:30pm 2020-04-03T10:15:00-04:00 2020-04-03T10:30:00-04:00
1:00am 2020-04-03T10:30:00-04:00 2020-04-03T12:00:00-04:00
[11:30pm-12:15am] Poster Session 1a (Odd-numbered Posters)
Health Information and Images in the Media

1. Framing the Communication of Online Health Stigma: A Multi-Malady Comparison

◆ Julius Matthew Riles, University of Missouri
◆ Warren Davis, University of Missouri

3. Nationwide Media Coverage of Gun Safety: Community Structure Theory and Community Vulnerability

◆ Olivia Degirolamo, The College of New Jersey
◆ Hayley Martin, The College of New Jersey
◆ Dana Corvil, The College of New Jersey
◆ Gianna Calandra, The College of New Jersey
◆ John C. Pollock, The College of New Jersey
◆ James Sparano, The College of New Jersey

5. Responsibility Framing of Dementia in Media Coverage: Prevention or Treatment?

◆ Dominik Daube, Friedrich Schiller University Jena
◆ Annemarie Wiedicke, University of Erfurt
◆ Doreen Reifegerste, University of Erfurt
◆ Constanze Rossmann, University of Erfurt

7. Framing Mental Illness: Which Pictures Do the Media Draw and What Do Recipients Perceive?

◆ Magdalena Rosset, Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media
◆ Anja Dittrich, Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media
◆ Miriam Jaspersen, Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media
◆ Eva Baumann, Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media

9. “He Acted Out Due to Multiple Concussions”: Exploring Health and Race Perceptions of Athlete-Perpetrated Intimate Partner Violence

◆ Jennifer A. Scarduzio, University of Kentucky
◆ Christina S. Walker, University of Kentucky
◆ Nicky H. Lewis, University of Kentucky
◆ Anthony M. Limperos, University of Kentucky

11. Effects of Parasocial Relationships and Breakups with Reality TV Characters on Health-Relevant Outcomes

◆ Perina Siegenthaler, University of Fribourg
◆ Tanja Aegerter, University of Fribourg
◆ Alexander Ort, University of Fribourg
◆ Andreas Fahr, University of Fribourg

13. What do Social Media Influencers Say about Health in China? A Theory-Driven Content Analysis of Top 10 Influencers on Sina Weibo

◆ Wenxue Zou, Texas A&M University
◆ Wanjiang Jacob Zhang, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
◆ Lu Tang, Texas A&M University

15. Variation in Media Coverage of Tobacco affects Self-Reported Scanning: Evidence from Three Years of Weekly Content and Survey Data

◆ Kwanho Kim, University of Pennsylvania
◆ Robert Hornik, University of Pennsylvania
◆ Laura Gibson, University of Pennsylvania
Sexual Health Communication

17. Examination of Risk Perception and Sexual Healthcare Seeking Behavior of Male and Transgender Sex Workers in India

◆ Satarupa Dasgupta, Ramapo College of New Jersey

19. Understanding Factors Influencing Communication Skills around Condom Use Among Young Adults

◆ Autumn Shafer, University of Oregon
◆ Kisa Clark, University of Oregon
◆ Ed Madison, University of Oregon
Campaigns and Interventions

21. Designing for Dissemination of an Electronic Health Record Linkage Method: Stakeholder Perceptions of an Animated Explainer Video

◆ Jenna Reno, University of Colorado Denver
◆ Bethany Kwan, University of Colorado Denver
◆ Chan Voong, University of Colorado Denver
◆ Toan Ong, University of Colorado Denver

25. “Lifestyle Champions” for a Localized Pre-Diabetes Awareness Campaign

◆ Sarah Aghazadeh, University of Maryland
◆ Linda Aldoory, University of Maryland

27. Eye Movement Patterns in Response to Sexual Misconduct Awareness Campaign Messages

◆ Weijia Shi, University of Minnesota
◆ Marco Yzer, University of Minnesota

29. Is all Publicity Good Publicity? A Content Analysis of News Coverage Surrounding South Dakota’s Anti-Meth Campaign

◆ Elissa C. Kranzler, University of Pennsylvania
◆ Leeann Siegel, University of Pennsylvania
Reflections on the Field

31. Recent Evidence Regarding Vignettes as Interdisciplinary Tools for Measuring Social Norms in Health Communication Research

◆ Amy Henderson Riley, Thomas Jefferson University
◆ Steven Buffer, Thomas Jefferson University
◆ Nichole Holmes, Thomas Jefferson University
◆ Katherine Senter, Thomas Jefferson University

33. Reviewing the Literature on Community-Based Participatory Research Team Communication

◆ Laura-Kate Huse, Florida State University
◆ Angela Donahue, Florida State University
Cancer Prevention, Screening, and Treatment

35. “What Comes to Mind when you Hear HPV?” Gender Differences in Thoughts on HPV and HPV Vaccination Rates among College Students

◆ Keith Richards, East Carolina University
◆ Katherine Hyatt Hawkins, George Mason University
◆ Hannah Catalano, University of North Carolina Wilmington

37. Developing a Digital Decision Aid to Promote Home Stool Screening for Colorectal Cancer: A Patient-Tailored Risk Factor Strategy

◆ Naomi Parker, University of Florida
◆ Jordan M. Neil, Harvard Medical School
◆ Yulia Strekalova, University of Florida
◆ Janice L. Krieger, University of Florida

39. Examining the Necessity of Legislation Mandating Communication about Breast Density

◆ Daniel Totzkay, West Virginia University

41. Improving Access to Treatment and Care for Rural Cancer Patients in Kentucky through the Affiliate Liaison Patient Navigation Prog

◆ John Kim, Markey Cancer Center Affiliate Network
◆ Susan Reffett, Markey Cancer Center Affiliate Network
◆ Stephanie Malicote, Markey Cancer Center Affiliate Network
Organizational Health Communication

43. Caring versus Competition: Tensions Emerging in Hospital Mission Statements

◆ Hannah King, University of Alabama

45. Evaluating Communication in Patient Room Design: Employing a Multidimensional Framework for Assessment

◆ Lindsey Fay, University of Kentucky
◆ Joshua Santiago, University of Kentucky
◆ Kevin Real, University of Kentucky

47. Primary Care Providers’ Online Biographies: Can we Get the Information we Need from them to Make an Informed Choice?

◆ Evan K. Perrault, Purdue University
◆ Jessie A. Barton, Purdue University
◆ Prince Adu Gyamfi, Purdue University
Health Narratives and Metaphors

49. Men have Eating Disorders too: A Qualitative Study of Perspectives from Men with Eating Disorders.

◆ Ekaterina Malova, University of Miami
◆ Victoria Orrego Dunleavy, University of Miami

51. “The Heart didn’t Know Enough to Stop”: Insights from Patient Metaphors about Living with Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices

◆ Carly N. Daley, Parkview Mirro Center for Research and Innovation; Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
◆ Jennifer J. Bute, Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
◆ Tammy R. Toscos, Parkview Mirro Center for Research and Innovation; Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
◆ Davide P. Bolchini, Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
◆ Michael J. Mirro, Parkview Mirro Center for Research and Innovation; Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis; Indiana University School of Medicine
◆ Richard J. Holden, Regenstrief Institute; Indiana University School of Medicine

53. How People with Chronic Pain (Do Not) Talk about Pain-Related Uncertainty

◆ Manuel D. Pulido, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
[12:15am-1:00am] Poster Session 1b (Even-numbered Posters)
Health Information and Images in the Media

2. Labor and Love: A Comparative Study of News Coverage of Doulas and Doula Care in China, Ghana, and India

◆ Zehui Dai, Radford University

4. Cross-national Coverage of Mental Health Services: Community Structure Theory and "Buffered" Privilege

◆ Sophia Khan, The College of New Jersey
◆ Shad Yasin, The College of New Jersey
◆ Veronica Lanfranchi, The College of New Jersey
◆ Sahana Natarajan, The College of New Jersey
◆ John C. Pollock, The College of New Jersey
◆ Miranda Crowley, The College of New Jersey

6. So I Talked to my Doctor: How DTC Commercials Present Experiences and Treatment of Depression

◆ Hayley T. Markovich, University of Florida
◆ Debbie Treise, University of Florida
◆ Xiaobei Chen, University of Florida

8. The Influence of Popular Music Referencing Anxiety and Depression on College Students’ Mental Health Attitudes

◆ Alex Kresovich, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

10. Netflix and Sleep: A Study on the Influence of Binge-Watching on Sleep Quality

◆ Alexander Ort, University of Fribourg
◆ Dominique S. Wirz, University of Fribourg
◆ Andreas Fahr, University of Fribourg

12. A Communication Inequalities Approach to Disparities in Fruit and Vegetable Consumption

◆ Chul-joo Lee, Seoul National University
◆ Macarena Pena-y-Lillo, Universidad Diego Portales

14. Exploring the Effects of Reader Comments on Perceptions of Non-Controversial Health Stories

◆ Amanda Hinnant, University of Missouri
◆ Sisi Hu, University of Missouri
◆ Yoorim Hong, University of Missouri
◆ Rachel Young, University of Iowa
Sexual Health Communication

16. Sexual Consent in the LGB Community

◆ Allison Worsdale, North Carolina State University

18. We Talked About Our Hookups: A Diary Study of Sexual Communication Among U.S. College Women

◆ Katrina Pariera, The George Washington University
◆ Brianna Abraham, The George Washington University

20. Understanding Barriers to Retention in HIV Treatment among HIV Positive Members of Key Population Groups

◆ Ruth A. Osoro, Michigan State University
Campaigns and Interventions

22. Prostate Cancer and African American Men: A Literature Synthesis on Strategic Health Communication Interventions from 2007 to 2018

◆ Sean Upshaw, University of Utah

24. An Examination of Teenagers’ Beliefs Towards Organ Donor Registration

◆ Tobias Reynolds-Tylus, James Madison University
◆ Brian L. Quick, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

26. Identifying Promising Campaign Themes to Prevent Initiation and Continued Use of Flavored E-cigarettes among Young Adult Vapers

◆ Jiaying Liu, University of Georgia
◆ Jessica Fabbricatore, University of Georgia
◆ Erin Jones, University of Georgia
◆ Lawrence Sweet, University of Georgia

28. The Effect of Emotions in Merck’s “Did You Know” PSA on College Students’ Attitudes and Intentions toward HPV Vaccination, Policies and Prosocial Behaviors

◆ Kimberly Walker, University of South Florida
◆ Ammina Kothari, Rochester Institute of Technology

30. Assessing the Effect of an Advertising Literacy Intervention in Peruvian Schools

◆ Peter Busse, Universidad de Lima
◆ Lucila Rozas, Universidad de Lima
Reflections on the Field

32. Inconsistent Reporting of Best Practices: Findings from a Health Communication Campaign Process Evaluation Systematic Review

◆ Hannah Getachew-Smith, Northwestern University
◆ Andy J. King, Iowa State University
◆ Charlotte Marshall-Fricker, Emory University
◆ Courtney L. Scherr, Northwestern University

34. Predicting Article Influence in Health Communication Research: An Exploratory Analysis of Health Communication and Journal of Health Communication

◆ Thomas Feeley, University at Buffalo
◆ Zhuohui Yang, University at Buffalo
Cancer Prevention, Screening, and Treatment

36. Keeping up with the Kardashians’ Skin: Skin Cancer Prevention Interventions to Buffer Users from the Negative Effects of Instagram

◆ Jessica Myrick, Penn State University
◆ Jessica Willoughby, Washington State University

38. Demographic and Psychosocial Correlates of Family Cancer History Communication among U.S. Adults: Findings from the 2018 HINTS

◆ Diane B. Francis, University of Kentucky
◆ Marc T. Kiviniemi, University of Kentucky

40. Comparisons Between Pediatricians’ and Nurses’ Evaluations and Implementation of a Training on Breast Cancer and the Environment

◆ Josephine K. Boumis, Michigan State University
◆ Brandon M. Walling, Michigan State Univeristy
◆ Brandon Thomas, Michigan State University
◆ Daniel Totzkay, West Virginia University
◆ Sandi W. Smith, Michigan State University
◆ Kami J. Silk, University of Delaware
Organizational Health Communication

42. Employees’ Refusals to Participate in a University-Sponsored Wellness Program: Barriers and Benefits to Engagement

◆ Grace M. Hildenbrand, Purdue University
◆ Evan K. Perrault, Purdue University
◆ HeeJoon R. Rnoh, Purdue University

44. Skills-based Training Programs Used to Reduce Physician-related Burnout in Graduate Medical Education: A Systematic Review

◆ Taylor Vasquez, University of Florida
◆ Carma Bylund, University of Florida

46. Trophies and Stars: Using Heuristic Cues in Credibility Perceptions of Doctor’s Online Profiles

◆ Zane Dayton, University of North Texas
◆ Ruth Fajardo, University of North Texas

48. Communities of Practice: Intersectional and Interdisciplinary Response to Outbreaks of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza

◆ Adam J. Parrish, University of Central Florida
◆ America L. Edwards, University of Central Florida
◆ Ronisha Sheppard, University of Central Florida
Health Narratives and Metaphors

50. Off the Wagon: Metaphors of Weight Management

◆ Elizabeth B. Jones, Asbury University

52. #AbortionChangesYou: A Case Study to Examine the Communicative Tensions in Women's Medication Abortion Narratives

◆ Katherine Rafferty, Iowa State University
◆ Tessa Longbons, Charlotte Lozier Institute

54. Isolated but Overstimulated: Recovery Paradox for Athletes with Post-Concussion Syndrome

◆ Joseph McGlynn, University of North Texas
2:00am 2020-04-03T12:00:00-04:00 2020-04-03T13:00:00-04:00
Lunch (on your own)
3:30am 2020-04-03T13:00:00-04:00 2020-04-03T14:30:00-04:00
COMPETITIVE PAPER SESSION: Traversing Complex Patient-Provider Interactions (Patterson Ballroom B)
Chair: Heather Voorhees, University of Texas - Austin

1. Female College Students’ Perceptions of Physicians’ Implicit Bias

◆ Rachael Hernandez, University of Missouri

2. Transgender Identity Disclosure Strategies in Patient-Provider Interactions

◆ L. Brooke Friley, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
◆ Maria K. Venetis, Purdue University

3. Communication Initiation Barriers and Strategies in Patient Doorknob Disclosures

◆ Heather J. Carmack, University of Alabama
◆ Sydney Ringold, University of Alabama
◆ Eva Curran, University of Alabama
◆ Christopher Fantin, University of Alabama
◆ Morgan Pfiffner, University of Alabama
◆ Alexandra Pannell, University of Alabama
◆ Carly Gross, University of Alabama
◆ Ny'Nika McFadden, University of Alabama

4. Incoming Medical Students’ Attitudes Toward Family-Centered Care

◆ Anna M. Kerr, Ohio University
◆ Amy Zidron, Ohio University

5. Assessing Communication Effectiveness in Interprofessional Healthcare Teams

◆ Kelsey Binion, Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
COMPETITIVE PAPER SESSION: Innovative Approaches to Message Design (Patterson Ballroom C)
Chair: Sean Upshaw, University of Utah

1. Effects of Hope, Fear, and Guilt Appeals on Seasonal Influenza Prevention

◆ Amy E. Chadwick, Ohio University

2. Fear Before Hope: Assessing the Effect of Emotional Flow in a Youth Opioid Prevention Narrative

◆ Elizabeth Troutman Adams, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
◆ Seth M. Noar, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
◆ Robin L. Nabi , University of California at Santa Barbara
◆ Reina Evans, North Carolina State University
◆ Laura Widman, North Carolina State University

3. Harnessing Anger to Persuade: Combining Offense/Anger Appeals with Retributive Efficacy Appeals to Increase Policy Support

◆ Christofer Skurka, Penn State University

4. (Un)Like Strategies: Combining Narratives and Didactic Messages to Improve Attitudes Towards Effective Contraception

◆ Camille Saucier, Northwestern University
◆ Sapna Suresh, Northwestern University
◆ John J. Brooks, Northwestern University
◆ Nathan Walter, Northwestern University
◆ Emerald Snow, Sentient Research
◆ Aaron Plant, Sentient Research

5. To Step into a Character’s Shoes: How Character Perspectives and Modalities Influence Persuasion in a Health-Oriented Immersive Story.

◆ Zexin Ma, Oakland University
◆ Douglas Zytko, Oakland University
COMPETITIVE PAPER SESSION: Culture and Health: International Perspectives (Patterson Ballroom D)
Chair: Diane Francis, University of Kentucky

1. Empowering Women by Targeting Male Leaders: Using an Intersectional Perspective to Increase Handwashing among Sierra Leonean Women

◆ Hanna Luetke Lanfer, University of Erfurt
◆ Constanze Rossmann, University of Erfurt

2. A Culture-Centered Exploration of Community Members’ Response to an Ebola Outbreak.

◆ Esi Thompson, Indiana University

3. A Case Study on the Impact of Violence on Sexual Health Behavior among Commercial Female Sex Workers in India

◆ Satarupa Dasgupta, Ramapo College of New Jersey

4. Women’s Agentic Role in Enabling and Dismantling Menstrual Health Taboos in India: A Structurational Analysis

◆ Meghana Rawat, Purdue University
◆ Ashleigh Shields, Purdue University
◆ Maria Venetis, Purdue University
◆ Jyoti Seth, Government Degree Girls College, Chandigarh

5. Controversy, Backlash and a Magic Dose: The Social Representation of the HPV Vaccine among Jamaican Women.

◆ Soroya Julian McFarlane, University of Georgia
◆ Susan E. Morgan , University of Miami
3:45am 2020-04-03T14:30:00-04:00 2020-04-03T14:45:00-04:00
5:15am 2020-04-03T14:45:00-04:00 2020-04-03T16:15:00-04:00
[3:45am-4:30am] Poster Session 2a (Odd-numbered Posters)
Health Information and Information Seeking

55. “Do you Remember what it was About?” A Taxonomy of Messages about Healthy Behaviors Recalled by Adults in Chile

◆ Macarena Pena-y-Lillo, Universidad Diego Portales

57. Is Online Health Information Seeking Behavior Associated with More Use of E-Cigarettes? A Moderated Mediation Model

◆ Qinghua Yang, Texas Christian University

59. How do Cancer Information Seeking, Cancer Fatalism, Cancer Worry, and Comparative Risk Perception Influence e-Cigarette Use?

◆ Cindy (Yixin) Chen, Sam Houston State University
◆ Sarah French, Sam Houston State University

61. A Cross-National Comparison Examining Major Determinants of Health Information Seeking Experiences in the U.S. and Germany

◆ Elena Link, Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media
◆ Fabian Czerwinski, Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media
◆ Eva Baumann, Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media
◆ Magdalena Rosset, Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media
◆ Ralf Suhr, Stiftung Gesundheitswissen
◆ Gary L. Kreps, George Mason University

63. “Triggering” Information Seeking: Risk Messages, Elaboration, and Immediate Seeking Behaviors

◆ Elisabeth Bigsby, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
◆ Shelly R. Hovick, The Ohio State University
◆ Naomi Tan, The Ohio State University
◆ Sarah N. Thomas, The Ohio State University
◆ Samuel Wilson, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

65. Leveraging Listicles (List Articles) to Educate Young Adults about the Harms of E-cigarettes

◆ Allison J. Lazard, University of North Carolina
◆ Jennifer Cornacchione Ross, Wake Forest University
◆ Laurie Hursting, University of North Carolina
◆ Meredith K. Collins, University of North Carolina
◆ Erin L. Sutfin, Wake Forest University
Persuasive Health Message Design

67. Appealing to Guilt to Promote Organ Donation Registration: A Preliminary Investigation of Reparative and Hedonic Efficacy Appeals

◆ Christofer Skurka, Penn State University
◆ Tobias Reynolds-Tylus, James Madison University

69. E-cigarettes and Adult Smokers: A Test of Messages Communicating Relative Risk

◆ Sherri Jean Katz, University of Minnesota
◆ Elisia Cohen, University of Minnesota
◆ Dorothy Hatsukami, University of Minnesota

71. The Role of Message Framing and Efficacy in Prescription Drug Misuse Prevention Messages

◆ Parul Jain, Ohio University
◆ Vinayak Shukla, OhioHealth

73. Developing Theoretically Informed, Narrative Messages in Health Communication: A Rigorous, Step-by-Step Process

◆ Marleah Dean, University of South Florida
◆ Courtney L. Scherr, Northwestern University
◆ Lindy Davidson, University of South Florida

75. How and when does Tailoring Change you? An Examination on the Effects of Regulatory Fit in Different HPV Prevention Behaviors

◆ Bingjing Mao, University of Miami
◆ Soyoon Kim, University of Miami

77. Music and Motherhood: Using Melody and Lyrics to Prime Motherhood to Increase Reception of a Teen Suicide Prevention Message

◆ Ashley Phelps, University of Southern California
◆ Sheila T. Murphy, University of Southern California
Family Health Communication Concerns

79. Examining Conversations Between Parents and Children About Childhood Vaccinations

◆ Robyn B. Adams, Michigan State University
◆ Fashina Aladé, Michigan State University
◆ Morgan Ellithorpe, Michigan State University
Patient Provider Communication

83. Providers’ Shared Decision-Making as a Predictor of Healthcare Outcomes in Managing Upper Respiratory Infections

◆ Michelle L. Acevedo Callejas, Penn State University
◆ Yanmengqian Zhou, Penn State University
◆ Erina L. MacGeorge, Penn State University
◆ Kasey Foley, Penn State University

85. U.S. Public Understanding of the Human Microbiome: Implications for Provider-Patient Communication about Illness

◆ Kasey A. Foley, Pennsylvania State University
◆ Emily P. Caldes Firgens, Pennsylvania State University
◆ Rachel R. Vanderbilt, Pennsylvania State University
◆ Erina L. MacGeorge, Pennsylvania State University

87. Conversations with Diabetes Educators in Appalachia: Experiences, Insights and Visions

◆ Morohunfolu Seton, University of Louisville
◆ Lindsay J. Della, University of Louisville
◆ Mary Z. Ashlock, University of Louisville
◆ Katie McDaniel, Wiser Strategies
◆ Tania B. Basta, Western Kentucky University
◆ Kimberly R. Hartson, University of Louisville
◆ Kristi M. King, University of Louisville

89. Losing Ctrl of Relationships: The Impact of Technology use on Provider Credibility, Nonverbal Immediacy, and Patient Satisfaction

◆ Braidyn Lazenby, The University of Alabama
New Media, Technology, and mHealth

91. Let’s Chat: Leveraging Social Media Messaging Apps to Increase Cancer Prevention Behaviors among Vietnamese American Families

◆ Huong Duong, University of California, Irvine
◆ Suellen Hopfer, University of California, Irvine

93. Explaining Socioeconomic Differences in Walking App Use with the Technology Acceptance Model in a Population-Based Sample

◆ Anne Vos, University of Amsterdam
◆ Edith Smit, University of Amsterdam
◆ Michel Klein, VU University Amsterdam
◆ Gert-Jan de Bruijn, University of Amsterdam

95. What is the Precursor in mHealth System Use? The Time Dynamics of Communicative Use on an mHealth Application

◆ Ellie F. Yang, University of Wisconsin-Madison
◆ Ran Z. Mi, University of Wisconsin-Madison
◆ Dhavan V. Shah, University of Wisconsin-Madison
◆ Dave Gustafson, University of Wisconsin-Madison

97. The Intersectionality Between Social Media Influencer's Fitness YouTube Videos and Young Women's Efficacy: A Content Analysis

◆ Carina Zelaya, University of Kentucky
◆ Joshua Santiago, University of Kentucky
◆ Hayley Stahl, University of Kentucky

99. A Qualitative Study Examining Children’s Everyday Health Management Using Health Technologies

◆ Ji Youn Shin, Michigan State University
◆ Bree E. Holtz, Michigan State University
Substance Use Prevention, Intervention, and Recovery

101. Breaking Down Intervention: A Thematic Analysis of Persuasive Narratives in Substance Abuse Interventions

◆ Julie Martin, North Carolina State University

103. Mechanisms of Opioid Stigma Communication: Examining the Impacts of Stigmatizing News Articles about People Who Misuse Opioids

◆ Victoria Ledford, University of Maryland
◆ Jungkyu Rhys Lim, University of Maryland
◆ Kang Namkoong, University of Maryland

105. Income and Normative Influence on E-cigarette Use among Smokers, Former Smokers, and Non-Smokers: A Multilevel Modeling Perspective

◆ Junhan Chen, University of Maryland
◆ Yuan Wang, University of Maryland
Social Support

107. Social Support and Social Isolation among College Students

◆ William A. Bejarano, Rutgers University

109. A Content Analysis of Self-Disclosure and Social Support-Seeking Strategies Used and Responses in a Depression Help SubReddit

◆ Brandon M. Walling, Michigan State University
[4:30am-5:15am] Poster Session 2b (Even-numbered Posters)
Health Information and Information Seeking

56. Examining the Association Between Social Media Use and HPV Knowledge Using Health Information National Trends Survey (2017-2018)

◆ Yuki Lama, University of Maryland
◆ Sandra Quinn, University of Maryland

58. The Supplementary Role of Cancer Information Services:A Comparison of Callers with Prior Information from Doctors vs. the Internet

◆ Doreen Reifegerste, University of Erfurt
◆ Magdalena Rosset, Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media
◆ Fabian Czerwinski, Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media
◆ Eva Baumann, Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media
◆ Andrea Gaisser, Cancer Information Service, German Cancer Research Center
◆ Evelyn Kludt, Cancer Information Service, German Cancer Research Center
◆ Susanne Weg-Remers, Cancer Information Service, German Cancer Research Center

60. Marijuana Information Sources, Confidence in Marijuana Knowledge, and Objective Marijuana Knowledge among College Students

◆ Sung-Yeon Park, University of Nevada, Reno
◆ Nora Constantino, University of Nevada, Reno
◆ Gi Woong Yun, University of Nevada, Reno
◆ Lea Moser, University of Nevada, Reno
◆ Enid Jennings, University of Nevada, Reno
◆ Daniel Fred , University of Nevada, Reno

62. Worry as a Mechanism to Motivate Information Seeking About Protective End-of-Life Communication Behaviors

◆ Christian R. Seiter, George Mason University
◆ Nate S. Brophy, George Mason University

64. Combating Misinformation through Social Sharing: Can Heuristic Cues Prime Individuals’ Sharing Intention of Corrective Messages?

◆ Yuan Wang, University of Maryland, College Park
Persuasive Health Message Design

66. Kids and Pets: the Moralizing Effects of Care-Based Moral Appeals in Visual Tobacco Control Messages on Third-Person Regulation

◆ Sijia Yang, University of Wisconsin-Madison

68. The Impact of Mixed-valence Frames on Sun Protection - New Insights into Gain-loss Framing Considering Emotional Flow and Arousal

◆ Laura Koch, University of Erfurt
◆ Alexander Ort, University of Fribourg
◆ Anne Reinhardt, University of Erfurt
◆ Winja Weber, University of Erfurt
◆ Constanze Rossmann, University of Erfurt
◆ Andreas Fahr, University of Fribourg

70. Messages from Near or Far: A Targeted Nutritional Message Design Experiment

◆ Joshua E. Santiago, University of Kentucky
◆ Rachael A. Record, San Diego State University
◆ Lourdes S. Martinez, San Diego State University

72. Cochlear or Not? The Effect of Narrative Transportation and Character Identification on Attitudes toward Cochlear Implants

◆ Tahleen Lattimer, University at Buffalo
◆ Hua Wang, University at Buffalo

74. Pregnant Women’s Perception of Climate Change

◆ Adebanke Loveth Adebayo, George Mason University
◆ Rochelle Davidson Mhonde, George Mason University

76. Predicting Affective Responses to Health Ads Using Computer-Extracted Musical Emotions: An Exploratory Study

◆ Soyoon Kim, University of Miami
◆ Ching-Hua Chuan, University of Miami
Family Health Communication Concerns

78. “I did not want to talk about that with anyone:” Women’s Perception of Disclosure of Menarche in India

◆ Ashleigh N. Shields, Purdue University
◆ Meghana Rawat, Purdue University
◆ Maria K. Venetis , Purdue University
◆ Jyoti Seth, Government Girls College, Punjab University

80. Analyzing the Relationship of the Subjective Norms and Culture in Family Discussion of Blood Donation: The Case of Russia

◆ Maria Mordvinova, National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow)
Patient Provider Communication

82. Communicating Difficult News to Parents of Children with Disabilities: The Role of Emotion in Sensemaking

◆ Zachary P. Hart, Northern Kentucky University

84. Why Do Patients Deceive Their Providers? Judgment, Punishment, and Marginalizing Experiences

◆ Kelly Merrill Jr., The Ohio State University
◆ Jesse Fox, The Ohio State University

86. "You're not just the nurse": Informal Roles of Hospice Nurses and Their Effects on Compassion Fatigue

◆ Katherine Harville, University of Kentucky

88. Perceptions of Medical Error Risk and Severity on Disclosure Preferences

◆ Heather J. Carmack, University of Alabama
New Media, Technology, and mHealth

90. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Chatbots in Health Communication Context

◆ Di Lun, University of Miami
◆ Wanhsiu Sunny Tsai, University of Miami
◆ Ching-Hua Chuan, University of Miami
◆ Nick Carcioppolo, University of Miami

92. A mHealth App May Help Improve Family Conflict and Type 1 Diabetes Management for Parents Caring for their Child

◆ Bree E. Holtz, Michigan State University
◆ Katharine M. Mitchell, Michigan State University

94. Design and Development of a Gamified Mobile Application to Improve Adherence to Dietary Self-Monitoring

◆ Mia Liza A. Lustria, Florida State University
◆ Sylvie Naar, Florida State University
◆ Stephanie M. Carpenter, University of Michigan
◆ Inbal Nahum-Shani, University of Michigan

96. Applying the UTAUT to Explore Initial Perceptions of a Mobile App for College Students’ Mental Health

◆ Katharine M. Mitchell, Michigan State University
◆ Bree E. Holtz, Michigan State University
◆ Alexis McCarroll, Michigan State University

98. A Descriptive Analysis of Health Influencer Videos on YouTube in the Ostomy Community

◆ Sarah Bell, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Substance Use Prevention, Intervention, and Recovery

100. It's the Little Things: Microaggressions & Micro-Affirmations Experienced by Individuals in Recovery from a Substance Use Disorder

◆ Tracy A. Ippolito, Florida State University
◆ Jessica Wendorf Muhamad, Florida State University

102. Agency and Re-Humanization in Digital Stories About Drug Use: A Community-Based Pilot Project

◆ Rachel Young, University of Iowa
◆ Corinne Peek-Asa, University of Iowa
◆ Sarah Ziegenhorn, Iowa Harm Reduction Coalition
◆ Brandi Janssen, University of Iowa
◆ Abigail Souder, University of Iowa

104. Identifying Normative Processes in Non-Prescription Stimulant Use Among College-Aged Individuals

◆ Emily Biery, University of Dayton
◆ Angeline Sangalang, University of Dayton
◆ Stefanie K. Gratale, University of Pennsylvania
Social Support

106. “Where do I go from here?” Support Seeking and Message Characteristics

◆ Bethany R. Lutovsky, University of Arizona
◆ Katerina Nemcova, University of Arizona

108. Discussions of Inflammatory Bowel Disease on Reddit: Implications for Patient Support

◆ Jacob A. Rohde, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
◆ Joshua O. Barker, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
5:30am 2020-04-03T16:15:00-04:00 2020-04-03T16:30:00-04:00
7:00am 2020-04-03T16:30:00-04:00 2020-04-03T18:00:00-04:00
COMPETITIVE PAPER SESSION: "We need to talk": Navigating Challenging Health-related Conversations (Patterson Ballroom B)
Chair: Aurora Occa, University of Kentucky

1. Sexual Health Communication and Relational Quality in LGBTQ+ Couple Relationships

◆ Stephen M. Haas, University of Cincinnati
◆ Pamela J. Lannutti, La Salle University

2. Let’s Talk About Sex: Exploring Sexual Communication and Use of Sexual Health Resources on a Catholic University Campus

◆ Katherine L. Grasso, DeSales University

3. Overcoming the Emotional and Informational Barriers to Patient Disclosure in Pregnancy: Perspectives and Strategies of Nurses

◆ Elizabeth D. Dalton, Middle Tennessee State University
◆ Scott Eldredge, Western Carolina University
◆ Laura Miller, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
◆ Ivanka Pjesivac, University of Georgia

4. Patients’ Experience with Ambiguous Test Results: The Impact of Provider Interpretation on Emotion, Risk Perception, and Medical Risk Management

◆ Courtney L. Scherr, Northwestern University
◆ Sanjana Ramesh, Northwestern University
◆ Hannah Getachew-Smith, Northwestern University
◆ Kerstin Kalke, Northwestern University

5. Pharmacist-Patient Communication about Medication Adherence: Patient-Centered Responses to Side-Effect Concerns

◆ Paul Denvir, Albany College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences
◆ Kyle Guiffre, Mercy Medical Center
◆ Nick Rehberg, Albany College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences
COMPETITIVE PAPER SESSION: Issues in Aging: Physical Health, Mental Health, and eHealth (Patterson Ballroom C)
Chair: Anna Kerr, Ohio University

1. Does the Internet Help Older Adults Improve their Experience with Health Information?

◆ Alberto Orellana-Campos, University of Wisconsin-Madison
◆ Hyesun Choung, University of Wisconsin-Madison
◆ Katheryn Christy, University of Wisconsin-Madison

2. Classification and Risk Factors of Depression Among Aging Americans: A Growth Mixture Analysis

◆ Qiwei Wu, Texas A&M University

3. Determinants of Physical Activity in Older Adults: Integrating Self-Concordance into the Theory of Planned Behavior

◆ Paula Stehr, University of Erfurt
◆ Constanze Rossmann, University of Erfurt
◆ Tabea Kremer, University of Erfurt
◆ Johanna Geppert, University of Erfurt

4. Using a Walking App Diminishes Health Literacy Differences between Socio-economic Strata in Dutch Older Adults

◆ Gert-Jan de Bruijn, University of Amsterdam
◆ Anne Vos, University of Amsterdam
◆ Peter Schulz, University of Lugano

5. "You Know You Are Getting Old When…": Improving Adherence to Mobile-Based Cognitive Assessments Using AI-Based Tailored Reminders

◆ Mia Liza A. Lustria, Florida State University
◆ Zhe He, Florida State University
◆ Walter Boot, Florida State University
◆ Shayok Chakraborty, Florida State University
◆ Neil Charness, Florida State University
◆ Dawn Carr, Florida State University
◆ Antonio Terracciano, Florida State University
PANEL: Environmental Health Literacy: The Intersection of Environmental Public Health and Health Communication (Patterson Ballroom D)
Chair: Liam O'Fallon, National Institutes of Health
Environmental Health Literacy: The intersection of environmental public health and health communication
◆  Liam O'Fallon, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
◆  Anna Goodman Hoover,  University of Kentucky
◆  Kami Silk, University of Delaware
◆  Kathleen Gray, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
◆  Maria Lapinski, Michigan State University
◆  Mónica Ramírez-Andreotta, University of Arizona
◆  Jennifer Liss Ohayon, Silent Spring Institute

Saturday, April 4 - Conference Day 2

9:30pm 2020-04-04T08:00:00-04:00 2020-04-04T08:30:00-04:00
Breakfast Together (Patterson Ballroom B)
Start each conference day by saying good morning to one another!
11:00pm 2020-04-04T08:30:00-04:00 2020-04-04T10:00:00-04:00
COMPETITIVE PAPER SESSION: Stigma, Uncertainty, and Illness Identity (Patterson Ballroom B)
Chair: Jeannette Porter, University of Missouri

1. Managing Hearing Loss Stigma: Perceptions of and Responses to Stigmatizing Attitudes & Behaviors

◆ Brittany N. Beckner, University of Dayton
◆ Donald W. Helme, University of Kentucky

2. Parents’ Communication Work in the Management of Life-threatening Food Allergies

◆ Jennifer J. Bute, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis
◆ Clarissa Bowers, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis
◆ Daniel Park, University of Maryland

3. What Happens when Illness becomes a Reality? Individuals’ Evolving Uncertainty Management about Family Members’ Health

◆ Charee Thompson, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
◆ Lynsey Romo, North Carolina State University
◆ Manuel Pulido, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
◆ Danni Liao, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
◆ Sara Babu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

4. Asian American Health Values and Family Communication in Context of Chronic Hepatitis B

◆ Dilnora Azimova, Michigan State University

5. “We Named My Brainstem Lesion Harold”: A Normative Approach to Humor Use in Young Adult Cancer Patients and Their Supporters

◆ Nick Iannarino, University of Michigan-Dearborn
COMPETITIVE PAPER SESSION: Making an Impact through Theory-driven Health Communication Research (Patterson Ballroom C)
Chair: Evan Perrault, Purdue University

1. Clinician Stakeholder Perspectives on HPV Vaccine Uptake Across Indiana Counties: A Qualitative Diffusion of Innovation Study

◆ Katharine J. Head, Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
◆ Tiffany Hecklinski, Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
◆ Monica L. Kasting, Purdue University
◆ Rivienne Shedd-Steele, Melvin and Bren Simon Cancer Center, Indiana University; Cervical Cancer-Free Indiana
◆ Gregory D. Zimet, Indiana University

2. The Transdisciplinary Approach of the BCERP: Merging Diffusion of Innovations and Evaluation Processes

◆ Brandon Thomas, Michigan State University
◆ Madalyn Mulroy, Ankura Consulting
◆ Daniel Totzkay, West Virginia University
◆ Pingann Oung, Michigan State University
◆ Michele Boehm, University of Delaware
◆ Kami Silk, University of Delaware
◆ Sandi Smith, Michigan State

3. Applying Intersectionality to Address Social Contextual Influence on Health Behavior related to PrEP for HIV prevention

◆ Yangsun Hong, University of New Mexico

4. Sustainability in Community Engaged Research: A Case Study through the Lens of Communication Infrastructure Theory

◆ Annis Golden, University at Albany
◆ Matthew Matsaganis, Rutgers University

5. An interdisciplinary Approach to Social Support: Advocacy Support and Health Disparities

◆ Kate Magsamen-Conrad, University of Iowa
◆ Jordan Conrad, University of Iowa
◆ Walid Afifi, University of California, Santa Barbara
◆ Jeffrey Child, Kent State University
◆ Katherine Rafferty, Iowa State University
COMPETITIVE PAPER SESSION: Substance Use Prevention in Youth: Promising Approaches (Patterson Ballroom D)
Chair: Daniel Totzkay, West Virginia University

1. Exploring the Relationship Between Youth Information Behavior, Substance Use, and Substance Use Expectancies

◆ Sarah Barriage, University of Kentucky
◆ Hye Jeong Choi, University of Missouri
◆ Anne E. Ray, University of Kentucky
◆ Michael L. Hecht, REAL Prevention LLC
◆ Kathryn Greene, Rutgers University
◆ Shannon D. Glenn, REAL Prevention LLC

2. The Role of Engagement in the REAL Media Substance Use Prevention Curriculum

◆ Shannon D. Glenn, Rutgers University
◆ Anne E. Ray, University of Kentucky
◆ Kathryn Greene, Rutgers University
◆ Hye Jeong Choi, University of Missouri
◆ Michael L. Hecht, REAL Prevention

3. Youth Social Media Use Patterns as Predictors of Vaping Experimentation and Pro-Vaping Beliefs

◆ Chioma Woko, University of Pennsylvania
◆ Robert Hornik, University of Pennsylvania

4. Understanding E-Cigarette Prevention Ad Effectiveness: A Comparison of Message and Effects Perceptions

◆ Jacob A. Rohde, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
◆ Seth M. Noar, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
◆ Hannah Prentice-Dunn, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
◆ Alex Kresovich, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
◆ Marissa G. Hall, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
◆ Noel T. Brewer, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

5. “This is My Story”: Processing of Narratives and Testimonials About Adolescent E-Cigarette Use

◆ Allison J. Lazard, University of North Carolina
◆ Meredith K. Collins, University of North Carolina
11:15pm 2020-04-04T10:00:00-04:00 2020-04-04T10:15:00-04:00
12:45am 2020-04-04T10:15:00-04:00 2020-04-04T11:45:00-04:00
COMPETITIVE PAPER SESSION: The Many Faces of Mental Health (Patterson Ballroom B)
Chair: Chris Skurka, Penn State University

1. Ending the Stigma: An Umbrella Review of Meta-Analyses on Mental Illness Stigma Reduction Studies

◆ Seth McCullock, Purdue University

2. Does Social Media Impact Mental Health? Linking Social Media Use with Emotional Experiences in Daily Life

◆ Renwen Zhang, Northwestern University
◆ Jiancheng Ye, Northwestern University
◆ Madhu Reddy, Northwestern University
◆ David Mohr, Northwestern University

3. Counselling, Gossiping, or Silence – Interpersonal Communication about Mental Illnesses and its Role for Stigmatization

◆ Anna Freytag, Hanover University of Music, Drama, and Media
◆ Eva Baumann, Hanover University of Music, Drama, and Media
◆ Stefanie Hahm, University of Greifswald
◆ Matthias Angermeyer, University of Leipzig
◆ Georg Schomerus, University of Leipzig

4. Why is it Difficult to Support Others Living with Mental Illnesses? Linking Mental Illness Uncertainty to Support Provision

◆ Charee M Thompson, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
◆ Manuel D. Pulido, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
◆ Sarah Caban, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

5. Family Relationships and Health of Incarcerated Mothers: Exploring the Mediating Role of Loneliness

◆ Monica Gallegos, California State University, Northridge
◆ Chris Segrin, University of Arizona
◆ Anne Thompson, Northern Kentucky University
COMPETITIVE PAPER SESSION: Inclusion and Diversity in Participant Recruitment (Patterson Ballroom C)
Chair: Soroya McFarlane, University of Georgia

1. “I’m Willing to be that Woman:” Exploring Black Women’s Decisions to Participate in Breast Cancer Clinical Trials

◆ Katherine E. Ridley-Merriweather, Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
◆ Katharine J. Head, Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
◆ Maria Brann, Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
◆ April Giron, Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis

2. Formative Research to Design Culturally-Sensitive Messages about Clinical Trials and Health Registries for Young African Americans

◆ Aurora Occa, University of Kentucky
◆ Diane Francis, University of Kentucky
◆ Adriane Grumbein, University of Kentucky

3. Health Communication and the Black Church: A Closer Look

◆ Jeannette H. Porter, University of Missouri

4. Health Communication Cancer Screening Messages for Black Women: Review and Recommendations for Future Research

◆ Diane B. Francis, University of Kentucky
◆ Adriane Grumbein, University of Kentucky
◆ Carina M. Zelaya, University of Kentucky
◆ Mariam Said, University of Kentucky

5. Designing Theoretically-driven Facebook Advertising Campaigns to Recruit Rural Adults to Develop Healthcare Delivery Interventions

◆ Elizabeth Flood-Grady, University of Florida
◆ Deaven Hough, University of Florida
◆ Rachel E. Damiani, University of Florida
◆ Nioud Mulugeta Gebru, University of Florida
◆ David A. Fedele, University of Florida
◆ Robert F. Leeman, University of Florida
◆ Janice L Krieger, University of Florida
COMPETITIVE PAPER SESSION: New Directions in Theoretical Model & Scale Development (Patterson Ballroom D)
Chair: Marleah Dean Kruzel, University of South Florida

1. Does Exposure to News Media Coverage of Anorexia Increase Risk Self-Efficacy (RSE)? A New Measure of Unintended Media Effects

◆ Nehama Lewis, University of Haifa
◆ Hadar Eliash, University of Haifa

2. Processing and Effects of Contradictory and Complex Health Information

◆ Thais M. Zimbres, University of California, Davis
◆ Robert A. Bell, University of California, Davis
◆ Lisa M. Soederberg Miller, University of California, Davis
◆ Jingwen Zhang, University of California, Davis

3. Illness Identity and Ongoing Communication: Testing a New Typology

◆ Heather L. Voorhees, University of Texas at Austin
◆ Angela L. Palmer-Wackerly, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

4. The Medical Disclosure Model: Exploring Predictors of Patient to Medical Providers Disclosure Strategies

◆ Maria K. Venetis, Purdue University
◆ Clinton Brown, Purdue University
◆ Seth McCullock, Purdue University

5. Understanding the Antecedents of Medical Mistrust: Testing the Ecological Medical Mistrust Antecedents (EMMA) Model

◆ Lillie D. Williamson, University of Wisconsin-Madison
1:00am 2020-04-04T11:45:00-04:00 2020-04-04T12:00:00-04:00
2:00am 2020-04-04T12:00:00-04:00 2020-04-04T13:00:00-04:00
Conference Awards Luncheon (Grand Ballroom)
Presentation of awards:

◆ Top Poster: Announced at conference
◆ Top Student Paper: Seth McCullock, Purdue University
◆ Top Early Career Scholar Paper: Lillie Williamson, University of Wisconsin
◆ Top Conference Paper: Paula Stehr, Constanze Rossmann, Tabea Kremer, and Johanna Geppert, University of Erfurt
◆ Harrington Honors: Announced at conference
◆ Lewis Donohew Outstanding Scholar in Health Communication: Xiaoli Nan, University of Maryland

Research presentation by Dr. Xiaoli Nan, University of Maryland, “Time, Evolution, and Health Behavior Change”