Communication Strategies to Promote Comprehensive Well-being
Mildred Horodynski, PhD, RN, FAAN (Michigan State University) is Professor Emeritus, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. She served as Director of the PhD program and Professor in the College of Nursing. Dr. Horodynski is a research scholar who has investigated reducing the risk of childhood obesity in vulnerable infants and young children. Her work has focused on promoting healthy eating behaviors through the development of effective community-based parent and nutrition education programs for low-income, diverse populations. Her research has been published in Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, Appetite, Pediatrics, and Childhood Obesity, and BMC Public Health, to name a few. Dr. Horodynski has been a researcher for over 30 years where she served as PI on NIH and USDA grants. Her work includes partnerships within the community and other universities to connect with local human service agencies, such as Early Head Start and Head Start, collaborating in the implementation of health education curricula. Dr. Horodynski's research builds on learner strengths and community diversity, and includes ongoing process evaluation and using existing community networks for sustainability.