Intersectionality and Interdisciplinarity in Health Communication Research
How will you conduct KCHC virtually?
We are using the Zoom teleconferencing platform. To be able to access the conference, you will need at minimum a computer with an Internet connection and Zoom software. If you are a presenter, you will also need a microphone and a webcam. If you are an audience member and want to be able to ask questions of the presenter, you will also need a microphone (and a webcam if you want to be seen). For the best experience, please take time to test these items before the conference begins.
We will send everyone registered for KCHC log-in information as soon as we have it available. We will also send more detailed instructions as we develop them.
I am presenting a paper/poster/panel. How will I know what to do?
We will be sending detailed instructions to everyone presenting at the conference to let you know everything you need to do. If you have questions after reading the instructions, please feel free to email us at kchc@lsv.uky.edu.
For now, if you are presenting a paper or are on a panel, be working on your PowerPoint or Keynote presentation (unless you want to speak without PowerPoint). If you are presenting a poster, be working on your poster, which you’ll present by screen sharing it as a PDF during the poster session.
I’m not presenting a paper or poster, but I am attending the conference. How will I know what to do to see and hear presentations?
We will be sending detailed instructions to all who have registered so you will know everything you need to do. If you have questions after reading the instructions, please feel free to email us at kchc@lsv.uky.edu. For now, just make sure you have access to Zoom.
How do I use Zoom?
We are working on developing a tutorial specific to KCHC 2020. In the meantime, you can check out tutorials available from Zoom: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/206618765-Zoom-Video-Tutorials
Do I need a Zoom account to participate in Virtual KCHC?
No, you don’t need an account. But you should go ahead and download the Zoom software. You can download the software here. You can also download Zoom mobile apps from the App Store or Google Play; however we would not recommend attending the conference via mobile phone unless it’s your only option. (Presenters must have a computer with Internet access.)
How much does Virtual KCHC 2020 cost?
We are offering the virtual conference at 40% of the regular cost. Please see our website for specific pricing. The early bird rates are good through March 26, 2020.
I already registered and paid full price. Can I get a refund on the cost difference?
Yes! We will calculate the difference in cost and make sure that you are charged only the virtual amount.
When will I get my refund?
Because we are making the transition to the virtual environment in a short time period, we must focus our attention on that. We will begin processing refunds after the conference is over.
I registered for the conference only, but now I’d like to add the preconference. Can I do that?
Yes! Just email us at kchc@lsv.uky.edu to let us know, and we will add you to the preconference.
I registered for the preconference and conference, but now I’d just like to attend the conference only. Can I do that?
Yes, of course. We will revise your registration and charge the appropriate amount.
I'm in a different time zone. What does that mean for my attendance or my presentation?
We are running the conference on Eastern Daylight Time (GMT-4), just as if we were conducting it on-site in Lexington, Kentucky. That means you need to be aware of what your local time is compared to Eastern and plan accordingly. We are working on an adaptive conference program that will be tailored to your time zone. Please stay tuned!
How exactly are you going to handle paper presentations?
Paper presentations will be handled pretty much as they would be in person. We will have session chairs who will introduce speakers and time the presentations. Presenters will show their PowerPoints by screen sharing as they speak. We will have time at the end of presentations for audience members to ask questions.
How exactly are you going to handle poster presentations?
We have two poster sessions. Both are scheduled for Friday, April 3. Poster Session 1 is from 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time. Poster Session 2 is from 2:45 – 4:15 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time. Persons presenting odd-numbered posters will present during the first 45 minutes of the session, and persons presenting even-numbered posters will present during the last 45 minutes of the session.
Poster presenters should display the PDF of their poster by sharing their screen and should be ready to interact with attendees who visit the poster and ask questions.
Will presentations be recorded and available after the conference ends?
We are working on this and will let you know.
My students and I are planning on watching the conference together. Is that okay?
Of course! Watching sessions with students and colleagues will be a great way to help get back some of the wonderful interaction and networking that we're missing by not being together in Lexington. We do ask that you keep social distance practices in mind, as appropriate. And we also ask that each person registers for KCHC, as you would if we were together in Lexington.
What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
An African swallow or a European swallow?
Train A, traveling 70 miles per hour (mph), leaves Westford heading toward Eastford, 260 miles away. At the same time Train B, traveling 60 mph, leaves Eastford heading toward Westford. When do the two trains meet? How far from each city do they meet?
Really? You want us to do math at a time like this?
Okay, how about this one: If you have four pencils and I have seven apples, how many pancakes will fit on the roof?
That’s better. And the answer is purple. Because aliens don't wear hats.
I attended KCHC 2018, and I really liked the Hyatt bacon at breakfast. Is there any way I can get some?
We liked the bacon, too, so we wish we could help. Unfortunately, we don’t know how we could ship the bacon to you and have it be as delicious as it is on-site. We’ll just have to look forward to KCHC 2022.