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- The abstract title should be no more than 130 characters, including spaces.
- For papers/posters, the abstract should be no more than 500 words in length. For panels, the description should be no more than 250 words in length.
- Although KCHC seeks original contributions in all areas related to health communication, special consideration will be given to those that address issues related to the conference theme, Innovations in Health Communication. This especially holds true for panel proposals.
- Be upfront about the purpose of your research. Don’t waste precious words providing extensive background and rationale.
- Avoid citing sources in your abstract unless absolutely necessary. The abstract should focus on your work.
- For paper/poster abstracts, include the context, methods, and findings of your research. If your research is work-in-progress, clearly describe the stage your research will have reached by the time you would present at the conference.
- Emphasize what contributions your work will make to the field. Are you filling a neglected gap? Are you building or extending theory? Are you investigating an understudied population? Whatever you are doing, you should highlight how it is a contribution to health communication scholarship.
- Write concisely and with clarity.
- Edit your abstract for grammar and typos at least twice.
- Don’t wait till the last minute to submit, just in case there are bumps of some sort.
- You may have more than one submission to the conference; however, only one first-authored submission will be accepted for oral paper presentation.
- Please consider “opting-in” for poster consideration instead of indicating “paper only” for your submission. Doing so increases our programming flexibility and capacity.